I Musei Civici
a Palazzo Ciacchi



Memories of antiquity, sculptures and furnishings at the time of the Grand Tour

The artefacts come from the multiform collection of Marchesa Vittoria Toschi Mosca this homogenous group of artefacts produced in the wake of the vast phenomenon of rediscovery and reinterpretation of ancient art that characterised the entire 18th century and the first decades of the following century. The artefacts, due to their late Mannerist setting and classical monumentality, show notable stylistic affinities with the production of similar statuettes, sometimes used as ornaments for fireplace alari, attributed to the Paduan sculptor Tiziano Aspetti (Padua, 1559-Pisa, 1606).
Bronzetti were among the most important and significant applied art productions of humanism; bronze was in fact a material linked to the classical era and the tactile pleasure provided by the shiny surfaces was an integral part of the interest in these works.